quinta-feira, 8 de junho de 2017

O Pântano da Tristeza

Uma prova de que todos nós passamos pelos mesmos problemas, neste mundo das teses de mestrado e doutoramento é a quantidade de artigos e vídeos que contam as batalhas que são em tudo semelhantes às minhas.

Encontrei mais um (creio que nos comentários do vídeo anterior) que deixo aqui.

As partes que creio que sumarizam tudo o que nós vivemos e sentimos são:

"Students are far more likely to not complete a thesis than to fail. Part of the reason for this is what I like to call the swamp of sadness. The swamp of sadness comes from the kids book The Never-ending Story. "
"Atreyu knows that the swamp of sadness will only suck you down if you stop believing you can walk through the swamp. He’s a hero. So while he is not happy about the swamp, he keeps walking, he’s muddy but moving."
"Now, every thesis journey, like any good hero’s quest, has some kind of swamp.
The swamp is usually a period where everything seems too hard, and to just moving forward is a struggle. The swamp is in your mind, but that is of course the worst place for it.
If you stop walking at this point, you will sink."
"My extensive knowledge of fantasy books tells me that when you start to sink into a swamp one of three things will happen:
  • You will panic, and thrash around and make a lot of noise and just make yourself sink faster.
  • Or you will freeze and sink quietly, with no one noticing you are even in trouble
  • Survivor types, however, tend look for a rope."
"The last point shows that you don’t actually have to be a hero to survive the swamp. It’s always possible to be rescued, because even if you stop believing in yourself you can still believe in the rope, and the rope will help you keep walking."
"What’s the rope? Well, it could be anything. This blog, a conversation, a paper to read… Often though it’s just some timely advice from a teacher. Now the best teachers can make you believe that are throwing you a rope, but not if you don’t let them convince you. (Which is why the people you surround yourself with in your thesis journey are crucial. Cultivate those who can throw you the best kinds of rope, so you can more easily believe in their rope.)"
"You have to pull yourself out of the swamp. This sucks, because it’s difficult, slow, hand-over-hand, gritty, horrible work, and you will end up very muddy. But I think the muddier the swamp, the better the learning really. I suspect the best kinds of teachers have themselves walked through very horrible swamps"

Fonte: Thesis Whisperer

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